If you think you are paying too much rent, please visit huurcommissie.nl, which is the Rent Tribunal website where you can find out about the maximum amount of rent you should be paying. You can also contact the government authorities by phoning 1400 within the Netherlands or +31 (0) 774656767 from abroad. However, you can only contact the authorities if you have a lease.
If you are living in housing that you think is unsafe, if you live with a lot of people in one room or in a house or if you are in disagreement with your landlord, please contact the Juridisch Loket for advice. You can also make an appointment by phoning 0900 80 20.
You may be able to contact the Foundation for flexible housing standards (Stichting Normering Flexwonen, SNF). You can contact this foundation if your property has a special quality mark, namely the SNF quality mark. You can contact the foundation by phoning +31 (0) 135944109.